I have created a number of Chrome extensions to meet specific needs of my district. This extension…
The Power of NOT Done
I began my journey as a doctoral student at The University of Memphis back in 2014 and have finally reached the “done” state. There have been many obstacles along the way but with the support of many fabulous people, I have finished.

I’m not going to wax poetic because that is not my way but I did want to share a few things on my mind since yesterday’s graduation ceremony.
The speaker gave a fairly typical speech that encouraged the graduates (most of whom were in their twenties) to look forward to what their future had in store. I don’t remember who gave that speech when I graduated with my first college degree back in 1990 but I have no doubt I let my mind gravitate to what my future might be.
Yesterday, not so much.
I’m only a handful of years away from retirement and, while I know I have plenty of living left to do and plenty of impact left to have on the world, I know more and more how limited time is. I have lost many precious souls in the past 29 years since I heard my undergrad commencement speaker – including my father. I’ve lost friends / family to accidents, illness – including cancer, suicide, and even murder.
Don’t get me wrong. I feel quite celebratory in finally completing this degree. While I am not changing jobs (because I really LOVE my job), I am thinking about what extra gigs I can take on so I can have a greater impact on the world in the time I have left (and so I can pay off these new student loans!). I hope that time is a nice long block but I know, more than ever, that time is running out. It is true, I have finished my manuscript (save for minor revisions) but I am NOT done with trying to make a difference. I am NOT done with sharing things I’ve learned.
Thanks for sharing your reflections, Wanda. Again, I’m very happy for you. Congratulations!
Congratulations Dr. Terral! I’m looking forward to many learning opportunities with you. I hate I’m going to miss ISTE this year. I’m sure you will be there sketchnoting away!!! I hope one day I finally get the hang of it.
Congrats again.