I have created a number of Chrome extensions to meet specific needs of my district. This extension…
New Extension for Google Admins: Wider Reports
I have created a number of Chrome extensions to meet specific needs of my district. This one just published is for me and my fellow Google admins and fixes one of my pet peeves of the Security Center Dashboard. When you click a VIEW REPORT link, the report is shown but in a very narrow table. All kinds of wasted space left and right when a wider table would be so much more user-friendly. Dug in and found a way to adjust the style sheet to give me wider reports. Sharing the goodness here.
This extension ONLY runs with URLs beginning with https://admin.google.com/ac/sc/dashboard and the only thing it does is change the DIV class of .gCXDaf to have no max-width.
Hopefully this will be helpful for other Google Admins. Get the Wider Reports Chrome extension on the Chrome Web Store.

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