I have created a number of Chrome extensions to meet specific needs of my district. This extension…
A Busy Summer Ahead
Here in the Memphis, Tennessee area, we are entering our final week of the 2015-16 school year. For me, that includes finalizing plans for summer conferences and professional development offerings. As usual, I have overpacked my schedule and adding graduate school courses to the mix is probably going to push me over the edge. However, most of the conferences at which I am presenting involve sessions I’ve done before so they only need a refresh. Many of the gatherings will have me on the other side of the podium which is far more relaxing that overbooking myself with presentations. I am super excited to be able to see (and, in some cases, meet for the first time face to face) so many in my PLN.
Here is where you might run into me over the next couple of months:
North Alabama Featuring Google for Education – June 2 & 3, Florence, AL (Presenting: Gobs of Goodies from Google; BreakoutEDU)
Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Teacher Academy – June 6, Memphis, TN (Attending)
LSS Technology Session – June 8 (Presenting: Hands on with Google Drawings)
LSS Technology Session – June 9 (Presenting: Hands on with Google Slides)
Illinois Summit Featuring Google for Education – June 15 & 16, Homer Glen, IL, outside Chicago (Presenting: Gobs of Goodies from Google; Build Your Own Chrome Extension; Getting Started with Google Apps Script)
LSS Technology Session – June 21 (Presenting: Hands on with Google Docs)
LSS Technology Session – June 22 (Presenting: Hands on with Google Forms)
PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovator Summit – June 25 & 26, Denver, CO (Attending)
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) 2016 – June 27, 28, & 29, Denver, CO (Mostly attending. Will be presenting “Hands on Activities w/Google Drawings” at the ISTE Google Playground (Table 3) on June 28 at 2 pm.)
LSS Technology Session – July 6 (Presenting: Become a Google Apps for Education Guru)
EdCamp US Department of Education – July 8, Washington, D.C. (Attending but hope to facilitate a session)
Tennessee Educational Technology Association (TETA) Summer Institute 2016 – July 12, 13, & 14, Collierville, TN (Presenting: Gobs of Goodies from Google; BreakoutEDU)
TETA Summer Institute 2016 Teacher Day – July 15, Collierville, TN (Presenting and Event Chair)
LSS Technology Session – June 19 (Presenting: Hands on with BreakoutEDU)
LSS Technology Session – June 20 (Presenting: Hands on with Google Classroom)
Tech Day at West Carroll / McKenzie Special School Districts – July 21, Atwood, TN (Presenting: Google Classroom; BreakoutEDU)
Google Geo Teachers Institute 2016 – July 25 & 26, Mountain View, CA (Attending)
In and among all of that I will be spending some time visiting family and taking my last two pre-dissertation courses through The University of Memphis: IDT 8600 – Seminar in IDT Research; EDPR 8562 – Designing Qualitative Research.
I hope to run into you at one of these events. I am very much an introvert and quite shy but love meeting folks from my PLN and talking about education and all things techie. If you see me, please say hi.
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