Slam: Form from a Sheet
Check out John McGowan’s two new Add-ons (currently in beta testing and still has some bugs): formIngester and formCreator.
To install formCreator:
- Join the formCreator trusted tester group (join the formIngester tester group as well).
- Use the link to get to the download the add-on link – Actually titled “QuickQuizCreatorDev ver. 2”
- Click the “Free” button to install. Authorize as prompted.
To use QuickQuizCreatorDev ver. 2 after installing:
Open a Google Sheet
- Use Add-ons menu to choose “QuickQuizCreatorDev ver. 2” and “Create quiz”
- Click “Setup Sheet” to add a template sheet
- Fill in with your questions:
- Question Type (preset list)
- Question Title (the question)
- Question Help Text (optional)
- Begin Choices (possible answers to questions)
- In side panel, enter a “Form Title” and click “Create Form.”
- Wait a few seconds.
- Form gets created.
If you don’t want to deal with beta, try out the template Sheet that John started this with.
Here is a quick video of the steps above.