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Done is better than perfect

I struggle with perfectionism. It causes me an incredible amount of self-induced stress. Maybe these will help. Maybe not.

Done is better than perfect

Ira Glass Quote

No Such Thing as a New Idea

“There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations. We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely; but they are the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages.” – Mark Twain

Time to Shift

I came across this quote while doing some research for my dissertation proposal.

“In the 21st century, what it means to ‘be a teacher’ is shifting alongside the technological landscape, which requires a shift in teacher education and professional development approaches.” – Elizabeth C. Homan

Quote by Liz Homan

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