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Fake Facebook Page

There are a number of services out these that allow students to simulate what historical figures or literary characters might post on social media. A popular one is Fakebook. However, we wanted to manage this assignment using Google Classroom. While we did come across some Google Slide templates using the simulated Facebook layout, I just couldn’t find one that looked like we wanted it to (back in 2016). So, I made one. As always, I am sharing freely.

Here is a short URL to make a copy of the three-page template. Page one is a blank slide that uses the fake Facebook layout as the background of the slide. This makes it easier for the student to add images and text boxes without accidentally moving elements of the layout around. (link fixed Jan 2025)

Want to peek at it first? Here is the original Slides file.

If you find this helpful, I would love to have you post a comment below.


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Thank you for sharing this! I typically plan a similar assignment for my high school music appreciation class, but I don’t have anything for online. Admittedly, I don’t possess the online skills to quickly create something. My search came up with your project and it looks perfect! Thank you so much…Next week I can repost how the kids liked it.

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