
Strategies to Follow

Here are a few strategies to care for your laptop. Can you think of more?

  • Don't leave your laptop in a hot car. Don't leave it in a cold car. Don't leave it anywhere you wouldn't leave your child or your pet. If you need to, take your laptop bag inside the store with you rather than putting it in the trunk of the car. Definitely don't leave it on the seat even if the car is locked.
  • Treat the laptop like you paid for it; like you paid for it with your last dollars.
  • In your bag, keep the laptop separate from everything else. Make sure no loose items are floating around.
  • Don't overstuff your bag. If needed, use a second bag for the overflow.
  • Adding a protective case to your laptop is allowed but just know it does not make your laptop invincible. If you want to display stickers, you can put them on a case but should not put them on the laptop itself. Nothing adhesive on the laptop.
  • No food or drink near the computer.
  • Avoid dust, dirt, pet hair & dander, and smoke.
  • No food or drink near the computer.